
Southern Cross Masters Hockey Inc


Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Currently there is no cost to be a member of Southern Cross Masters Hockey Inc (aka SX).

You will need to choose the Returning Member option unless you have NEVER previously registered on any hockey website using the RevolutioniseSport (RevSport) system. If you have never previously registered ... only then select the New Member option.

If at any time you have previously “registered” or “renewed” with any Local Club, Local Association, State or Hockey Australia, using the RevSport system, please select the Returning Members option (as some of your information will already exist in the system).

SX has two types of Membership options (shown in Step 2) as a PLAYER and a NON-PLAYER Coach, Manager, Spectator, Umpire etc.

You will be required to confirm your email address, and also please check all your other details are correct.

 If you can't proceed with your registration, send an email to: Secretary@southerncrosshockey.org for assistance.

EXTRA information:

1. Your profile photo is optional (i.e. not compulsory). Such photos are only visible within the system to Administration persons (not the general membership).

2. The RevSport system uses the same Username & Password for all entities you are a member of, under the Hockey Australia peak account of RevSport. This usually is in the form of First Initial and Surname to create the username. (The password is one that you create or created).

3. Once you have successfully renewed (or registered) for the Southern Cross Masters Hockey, you will be able to LOG IN to your account (in the black bar, top right of screen) to access (and/or update) your details at any time, see what Events for which are registered, and what payments you have made etc